October 26th, 2017
A reminder to all students that the farm box fundraiser money is due on Monday (October 30th). Please put in your best effort to sell at least one box to support healthy activities at GCJH.
Remember….there are prizes to be won for our best sellers!
See Mrs. Ross if you have any questions.
Halloween Dance Tickets on Sale in the Lobby 12-12:30. $5 in advance, $6 at the door.
Want a free bag of candy? Well all you have to do is sign-up for today’s face painting competition. It is today at lunch from 12-12:30.
There will be NO intramurals today at lunch because of the grade 7 trip
Any grade 7s with last minute money and permission slips MUST go see Ms. James by 9:30am .
Sports and Intramurals
There will be a girls volleyball practice Monday morning at 7:30 am. If you are unable to attend please see Mrs. Snook.