Graham Creighton Junior High

February 16th, 2018

Today is Chinese New Year! <Gung Hay Fat Choy> to all those who are celebrating today. If you are interested in Chinese Culture, the Confucius (kon - few - shus) Institute at Saint Mary’s is offering a March Break camp where youth can learn Chinese dance, crafts, music and art. See Mme Faber for more details.
This is an important announcement for all students. At no time during the day should students be opening any doors to the outside for any reason. The only doors that should be used to enter or leave the school are the front lobby doors. All doors are locked throughout the day for safety reasons. Even if you see someone at the front door, no student should be opening the door for any reason. Again, this is to ensure the safety of all students and staff
Monday is a holiday - there is no school.

Sports and Intramurals
High School Basketball Girls and Boys finals are at SMU this Sunday.  Girls at 1:00 and Boys at 3:00
Girls & Boys Tier 1 finals are being hosted here at GC next week Wednesday to Friday. There are girls games at 3 and 4:30 on Tuesday and boys games Wednesday at 3 and our boys play at 4:30pm. Students are welcome to attend but have your drives here to pick  you up by 5:30pm and no later. There will be a canteen available.