Graham Creighton Junior High

February 3rd, 2016

Students who have not passed in the Leadership Conference forms to Mr. David, are asked to do so ASAP.

Grade 8-9 band Thursday 8:00am
Rock Band –Thursday at Lunchtime Thursday
Graham Creighton’s Got Talent!
Attention all Musicians, Singers, Songwriters, Talented students, Bands, small group ensembles and teachers.
We are going to have a “NOON SHOW ‘the last Thursday in each month at LUNCHTIME  Band room beginning Thursday Feb. 27th 12:15 to 12:45pm.
March 31st, April 28th, May 31st
There will be five performance spots each noon show performance day and interested students and teachers must sign up for available times in the band room and speak to Ms. Jackson.
What a great way to showcase your talents for your friends and inspire your peers!
Audience is welcome to attend.