Graham Creighton Junior High

May 17th, 2016

There is a WE CAN meeting tomorrow in Miss d’Entremont’s room at 12:15.
The Book Fair is open all week. Classes are encouraged to schedule a time to come by. Everything is BUY 1 GET 1 FREE . It’s a great time to stock up on books.. Cash, credit and debit accepted.
DO interviews won’t be starting till 11am. Those who had interview times from 9-11am will be on Thursday morning. Students should arrive 5 minutes before and wait in the office.  Interviews will take place in the seminar room.
Girls Softball Practice everyday this week at 8am! As well, there will be practice Mon, Wed, Fri after school have a drive ready for 4:30. If you can’t make it, you have to let Doyle or Snook know.
The Halifast track and field team has invited all GCJH track and field team members to join their practice tonight night from 5:30 to 7:30 at Beazley field. All welcome but you need to sign up with the club on-line @ with a two week no cost trial membership to attend. Good luck at tomorrow’s meet!
T and F practice at lunch today. If you didn’t pick up you permission slip you need to see your coaches today!!!!!!!!!!