Graham Creighton Junior High

September 13th, 2016

Bluenose 2 Field Trip slips are due to Mr. Hill Wednesday 9 am. This is a firm deadline! All information needs to be sent ASAP, so please be respectful.
North Preston Bulls will be holding Bantam Boys Basketball  tryouts at the North Preston Community Centre today, Tuesday from 6 to 8.
Thursday is Pink Shirt Day.  Please wear pink!!!  We have pink Anti Bullying T-shirts in the office for $2.00 if you would like to purchase one.
Sports and Intramurals
Cross country practice will be held tomorrow from 3-3:45.  Any students who signed up but were unable to attend yesterday’s practice should see Ms. McKenna today to get an information sheet.  These should be signed and returned at tomorrow’s practice.
GOAL - Girls Only Active Lunch -  starts today at lunch time.  This is open to any girls who want to be physically active.  Bring your friends and choose your own activity!  It starts at 12:15 so eat your lunch and come to the gym anytime after 12:15
I Love the 80’s dodgeball is totally gnarly dude, so you should sign up for sure!
The list for the girls soccer team is posted outside the gym. Thank you to everyone who came to tryout. We will have a team practice tomorrow after school. Pick up time is 4pm.